Features Of Small Lathe Machine

Essential And Non-Essential but Useful Features Of Small Lathe Machine

Essential Features Of Small Lathe

  • Screwcutting
  • Backgear
  • Tumble Reverse
  • Provision to fit T slotted cross slide
  • 2 Morse taper in tailstock
  • Set-over tailstock for taper turning
  • Gearing to handle on apron traverse

Non-Essential but Useful Features Of Small Lathe

  • Screwcutting gearbox
  • Power cross feed
  • Clutch to headstock spindle drive
  • 1″ (26mm) or larger hole through spindle
  • Coolant equipment
  • Graduated handle to leadscrew end
  • Availability of lever-action tailstock
  • Electronic or mechanical variable-speed drive
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